The Blacklist

This is a list of companies we believe bring our industry into disrepute with their unethical or dishonest behavior. We strongly advise no-one does business with them on any level.

We have very strong consumer protection ideas, so by following our recommendations you are simply trusting this is in no way driven by anti-competition. Note: We also openly support companies "doing the right thing constantly" on other parts of this site.

This is simply our attempt to have an industry we can be proud of, not ashamed of.


Power Plate ( leading the way from day one in a list as long as my arm )
VibroGym ( new management of older liquidated Power Plate )
DZT Fitness
Vibra-Slim ( Europlate ) Etc ...
PYC International ( Crazy-Fit , Fake Power Plates etc... )
HyperGravity ( U.S. based )

If you have a query about any brand. Please feel free to post a question on our forum. It will be answered honestly and by someone NOT trying to sell you a machine.